Big Smiles Adult Day Care

At BIG SMILES, we are dedicated to providing a vibrant and caring environment for our seniors. Our Adult Day Care Center is designed to enhance the lives of our participants, including those living with dementia, Alzheimer’s, or similar conditions. With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, we offer a wide range of engaging activities carefully tailored to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Engaging Activities Tailored for Everyone:


Enjoy the thrill of numbers and camaraderie as you play Bingo, fostering concentration and social connections.


Challenge your strategic thinking while enjoying the company of others in lively Domino matches.

Arts and Crafts / Therapeutic Art:

xplore your creativity through artistic expression, promoting emotional well-being and relaxation.


Immerse yourself in the world of literature, stimulating your mind and encouraging a love for reading.

Movies and Live Television:

Relax and share the joy of popular movies and TV shows, fostering a sense of community.

Computer Classes:

Enhance your digital skills and stay connected with your loved ones in the digital age.


Boost your confidence and have fun expressing yourself through the magic of music.

Psychology Workshop:

Join insightful discussions led by mental health professionals, gaining valuable strategies for motional well-being.

Join us at BIG SMILES Adult Day Care Center, where happiness knows no age!

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